You make a few good decisions and good things happen. Make some bad ones and who knows what sorry town or situation you’ll end up in?
Learn to Love
Are you a good lover? Being a good lover dose not mean you’re an expert in the bedroom; it means you’re an expert at relationships. To find out if you’re a good lover, take the following test. Circle the appropriate answer to each question: Y=Yes, NW = Needs Work. I am patient when things aren’t […]
The Last Wishes of Alexander the Great
Whether or not the following story is true, the lesson it teaches surly is. On his death bed, Alexander summoned his generals and told them his three ultimate wishes:1. The best doctors should carry his coffin; 2. The wealth he has accumulated (money, gold, precious stones…) should be scattered along the procession to the cemetery, and […]
Unpack Your Uniqueness
You are unique – that’s it. You’re not “somewhat unique” nor are you “very unique”. You are unique. You are the only one like you.Unique, you see, is a term that cannot be modified by an adverb or degree or a comparative adverb.For instance, if someone says that you are “somewhat unique” they probably mean […]