From my Lexicon of Life-Lifting Words: Close – ClosenessRon RossThey call it social distancing.While I pondered how many cans of soup to buy, a lady wearing a thick weave cotton canvas double-layered surgical mask turned down my grocery store aisle. Startled by my presence, her eyes widened with fear and, without hesitation, spun her market […]
The Only Thing of Value You Will Ever Own
You need someone to be rich with and to be poor with, someone to laugh with when you’re happy and cry with when you are sad. You need someone who will stay with you whether they are sick or healthy, weak or strong; a success or failure and someone to be there when, you breathe their last breath, to whisper in your ear, “I love you.”
Why I Promote Marriage
On a hot August Sunday afternoon almost five decades ago I walked to the altar to say, “I do” to a lovely young blond. I was a skinny nineteen-year-old kid and my bride, a cute little Colorado girl, named Amy Kay, was eighteen.Now, I know that most of you hot dogs out there think it […]
The Slave Tree and Amazing Grace
We don’t think much about human slavery these days. We believe it was an aberration in human history that pretty much ended when Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Not true.
Four Clues You are Filled with Fear
It’s time to stop living in fear and start living in faith.