“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me” is one of the lies we tell our children like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. We know words harm people, especially words designed to shame or embarrass. Words like Fatso, or Dumbbell, or the name I was called when one morning […]
Author: Ron Ross
Live Wisely and Shine: The Legacy Consigner’s Promise
If you would like to “glow like stars forever,” keep reading. Three of the most oft-told Bible stories are in the Old Testament book of Daniel: the story of Daniel’s miraculous interpretation of a dream, the story of three men in a furnace of fire, and the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. Throughout […]
Regrets – I’ve Had a Few!
Do you have a long list of stupid things you’ve said and done? Yeah, me too. Then, if you’re like me, you have the harmful habit of constantly re-experiencing those thoughtless and injurious acts of idiocy. And when we do, we focus on the fault and re-experience the pain. In the process, we ignore any […]
Five Forces that Hinder or Enhance Relationships – Part 1
Part 1. The Phantom Speaks for All of Toward the end of The Phantom of the Opera, the Phantom finally captures his not-so-secret love Christine and takes her to his hiding place beneath the opera house. Here he lived for many years in darkness and loneliness away from the rest of the world because of […]
Fear or Faith? You Decide
Fear and worry focus on fantasies and frailties, but faith and courage focus on realities and strengths. Fear endorses doubts, but courage fortifies convictions. Fear amplifies anxieties, but faith highlights hope. Fear underscores disabilities, but courage promotes possibilities.
A Call for Common Sense
Ron Ross Common sense isn’t common anymore. Common sense tells you, don’t spend more than you can earn, yet our government borrows trillions of dollars while they waste millions – like the $175,000,000 set aside to pay for the maintenance of buildings that have been vacant for years. Would you do that? Some say they […]