My Story – My Message

The following is an audio recording Dr. Ross made to define the future of his writing and speaking career. Please listen and comment below. Thank you.

Ronald D. S. Ross

“You are a special creation of Almighty God! You were in the mind of God before you were in the womb of your mother. You are here for a purpose!”

Ron Ross

24 thoughts on “My Story – My Message

  1. Came across your page by chance, or not as the case may be, whilst searching something around thinking differently to others.
    Mine was lying under our aptly named ‘heaven tree’ in the back garden on a Sunday when I was 18. We only got one plane a week fly over in those days and I recall always wondering who was on the plane, where were they going? I was concerned that I would never get to meet them. I was interested if any were off to make a new life in a new country, a fresh start maybe.
    Now some 37 years later having been on many fresh starts, travelled to different places and gone through various high and low moments I still don’t feel I know my purpose. I take some comfort in knowing that God can make use of me wherever I am but what if some of those fresh starts weren’t meant to happen, or I should have waited longer for the perfect job to come along. Chatting to God again today about this made me question my thinking, hence the google search that got me here today. How off course am I from his chosen pathway for me? Should I go back to an earlier stage. For years I have felt like a bobbing boat, been blown by the wind and take up position in what ever place it lands. I still feel like this. I used to like this freedom in variety of opportunities as I felt God would use me in what ever way he could. But I am hungry for so much more and I feel stability would enable this to happen, yet it seems out of reach still.
    Like a patient child I will wait, do what I can and continue to pray for revelation and guidance.

    1. Thank you, Debbie for your reply. Here’s a scripture for you from The Message, Psalm 37:34:”Wait passionately for God, don’t leave the path. He’ll give you your place in the sun.” If you’re like me, waiting is difficult. God will use you, wait and see!

      1. Thanks Ron
        When I first became a Christian in 1990 I attended a house group locally. On my third visit someone gave me a note, which they felt was a word from God to me. It talked about big heaped gifts ready for me but first he will bring me patience so that he won’t have to take the gifts away. By the following week I was expecting something dramatic to happen and my gifts to be available..guess he knew me well 🙃. Over the years I have certainly without doubt had my patience tested and trusting him during times of challenge. Mostly around jobs and houses it seems 🤔
        His timing has always been perfect if not necessarily to my time scales and often reveals his sense of humor.

        1. It’s wonderful when we slow down enough to hear God’s “still small voice” speak to us. Yes, God’s timing is always perfect even though in the midst of our trials, it sometimes seems he’s fallen asleep. He has not, as you have discovered.

  2. I enjoyed hearing about how God spoke to you about your purpose, so specifically. I feel that my purpose has evolved with the different stages of my life, and I can see God’s hand in all of them. For me, it has been more of an unfolding of purpose, as I trust Him to lead .

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. It is so true that our purpose evolves as we grow in our understanding of who we are and how we can impact the lives of those around is. I like your phrase, “an unfolding of purpose.” That says it all.

  3. Ron, thanks so much for a very poignant reminder that we all have purpose in God’s kingdom! More days than not, I feel very “ordinary.” The enemy can really use that kind of thinking against you. But then something, or someone, will come along to remind me that, time and time again, we see in God’s word how He used “ordinary” people to do extraordinary things! Having made a radical career change about a year ago, I’ve often struggled with second-guessing myself about my decision. But I’m reminded by your very eloquent message that I just need to trust His timing and purpose and know that His grace is sufficient! Great clip!

  4. Ron, What a clear, powerful message conveyed in just a few minutes. I love the visuals you create throughout as I saw myself lying on the front lawn looking up at the sky and hearing from the Creator of the universe! I love your voice and your cadence throughout the recording. Thanks for telling us your story, Ron! I’m working to live mine as well!

    Dave Cornell

  5. Thanks for the invitation, Ron. Very professionally done. Parts of the message resonate: our uniqueness, the power of purpose, opening to the wonder of life. But there’s a strain of anti-intellectualism here, and certainly anti-evolution that I find incomprehensible and destructive. So we’ll have to differ there. But clearly, there’s an audience for it. Best wishes to you.

    1. Thank you, Jamie, for your response.
      I wonder why considering theories of the origins of man other than evolution are considered anti-intellectual? To accept the theory of evolution demands at least as much faith if not more than accepting the theory of creationism. Isn’t it anti-intellectual to out-right refuse to intellectually consider another theory?
      But thanks again for your response. I value your opinions for you always challenge me intellectually to think hard about what I write and say.

  6. Inspiring much needed message not only for my ears but for anyone who will listen. Recognizing that we are answering God’s call is just the beginning of the journey. We must remain faithful, confident and willing to seek encouragement as we continue to walk the path God has chosen for us. Good job Dad!

  7. Ron,
    I enjoyed hearing the message. It really isn’t fair for me to comment on the theological portion of the message as I am too much of an old-line restorationist. The focus of the message, however, emphasizes the place of man in God’s creative activity. Technically evolutionary scientists believe primates (man and monkey) all descended from a common ancestor. Oh, I’m being too picky. The impact of the message is relevant and needed. The quality of the recording is excellent and deserves to be heard.

  8. Ron,
    What originally was a task for me actually became a gift… a powerful message for each and everyone one of us who have chosen to heed your call.
    As I was listening, I could imagine this story being told in a small book, fit for a child or anyone for that matter. The images of you laying in the grass at ten years old along with your other duties along your life’s path became vivid in my mind.
    Thank you again for sharing,

  9. Excellent. You have a speaking voice in this particular video that distinctly reminds me of Stephen Covey. I enjoyed listening and it kept me hooked the way you expressed it. Sure there are others better qualified to comment on the content if you require feedback on that though but like the way it is put together and how you put your message across. Good job, R.

  10. Helping you live the life God created you for

    Helping you find the life God created you for

    Something along these lines seems to fit your story and message

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