Question 3: Which will ultimately result in a better me: continued dependency or self-reliance?

There may be times in your life when you need outside help to survive. That is why there are a variety of wonderful charities and social services to help people in times of need. But the reality is programs like Welfare, food stamps, free lunch, and government housing, are ultimately harmful to many who become […]

1.0: Five Questions to Ask Yourself When Thinking About Your Own Personal Success

Success is not an accident. It takes planning, effort and discipline. [Tweet “Success is not an accident. It takes planning, effort and discipline.”] One way for you to seek your own personal success is to ask the right questions. When you ask the right questions you have a better chance to get the right answers. […]

4.1: Proceed Forward – Accept Responsibility

The airport departure lounge was crowded with family and friends bidding us farewell for a 3+ year commitment in Central Africa. I was only 25-years-old and had a wife and two children, had never travelled internationally and had little idea of what to expect upon our arrival in Africa. In short, I was scared. Before […]

The 5000+ Percent Advantage 4.0: Proceed Forward

How would you like to have a 5000+ percent advantage over everyone else? Steven Covey in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People tells you how: “The difference between people who exercise initiative and those who don’t is literally the difference between night and day. I’m not talking about a 25 to 50 […]

Who is Responsible for Your Loneliness?

“What do you do that causes her to treat you that way?” was a question my counseling professor, Fr. Dr. Robert McEniry (Creighton University), taught his students to ask in a marriage counseling situation. The question presupposes that the responsibility for what happens between married partners is on each of them, not just one of […]